
Tuesday, June 5, 2007


The call I've been waiting for came today.
Channon and I were sitting in Mrs. Zittergruen's class talking about the frogs we would be dissecting next week when the office runner came in with a slip of paper asking me to come to the office.
When I walked in the door and saw the look of pity on the Receptionist's face as she softly said my Mom was, "on her way to get me" I knew that it was only a short while before I would get the news.
I felt completely blank. How was I supposed to react when I heard the news? I forgot. I guess I should probably cry. It wasn't too long before Mommy pulled up in front of school.
She was crying when I got in and then she said it...
"Jenny. Daddy died this morning."
She cried more. I felt like a deer in headlights.
Act sad! Quick!
But I was supposed to spend the night at Lisa's house tonight! Do I dare ask if I can still go for the sleepover?
We walked in the door of the now even more haunted house just a little while ago. As soon as I saw all the crying people I knew...
Don't even bother asking. She'll NEVER let you spend the night at Lisa's house. If you ask she'll know you're not even sad.
I'm in my bedroom now. The place I've spent most of my past 12 years. My room is usually safe. I will stay here and let everyone think I am too sad to be around them.
If I stay here no one will know how mad I am. I'm so mad. I really wanted to spend the night at Lisa's house. Why did he have to ruin one last thing for me when he died??
It's not fair.
How long

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm amazed as I'm reading this that you have come through all of this. It must have been increadibly hard.